Bill Maher is Back and Better Than Ever!!!

"Foundering Fathers Would Have Hated Tea-baggers Guts"


  1. Tried it and liked it. I'll be back.

  2. Perhaps, but Walter Lenin wouldn't like Obamatards either. Making non-sense out of fiction.

  3. Bill Maher is soooooo right!!! Love him!!

  4. Not a big fan of Maher but he does know how to drive a point home. Good for him.

  5. Kinda like George W. Bush who speaks Spanish while Obama laments the fact that he can't speak Austrian. Maher's an idiot. Anti-comedy. Hilarious blog though. So by all means keep pounding your spoon on the table of your high chair crying "Palin, Tea Party etc. Your infantile delusions will never be realized but it's good stuff. Kook on!

  6. Thanks Bill for doing the job that mainstream media should be doing and used to do well.. presenting facts. If you take tea'ers just a step away from Fox/Beck/Palin talking points, they can't find their nose with their finger.


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