15 Characteristics of People Who Make Things Happen

A few years ago I dabbled in Multi-Level Marketing and tried my hand at a few Networking Companies. I didn't make much money or grow in the ranks like I could have because I didn't give these pursuits the kind of focus, attention or commitment they required.

The one thing I took away from these ventures, however, was the importance of personal development; a practice that was heavily promoted and encouraged within all the companies. A top honcho once shared a quote that stayed with me over the years and recently got me thinking.

There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, we have to be people who make things happen. - Jim Lovell

We all fall in one of these groups or have vacillated between them and probably never wondered or asked ourselves why. In order for us to have the kind of life we desire, we have to be proactive in creating it.

People who watch things happen usually aren't risk takers; they prefer to play it safe and let others test out the feasibility of things before they attempt them themselves. They are also often content with their life as it is and never eager to step out of their comfort zone in the pursuit of more.

The people who wonder what happened usually don't believe in themselves or in their ability to make things happen. They often pass up opportunities and are great at coming up with excuses why certain things can't be done. They prefer to sit by the sidelines but always wonder why others are able to pull off the very things they can't seem to.

People who make things happen seem to share certain admirable characteristics people in the other two groups lack. They are go-getters and know that if anything is to be, it's really up to them. The following are characteristics I have observed people in this group to have.

They are confident - They believe in themselves and their abilities, nothing is ever impossible to them. They have tremendous self-esteem and usually don't need others to validate them or show them their greatness.

They aren't afraid to get their "hands dirty" - They do whatever it takes to accomplish their dreams. If they have to take up a second job so that they can save up to purchase their dream home, they do it. If they have to cut back on social activities so that they can pursue a college degree, they do it. Unlike most people, they are willing to make sacrifices even if it means being uncomfortable for a while.

They don't talk, they DO - They have mastered the art of taking action and letting results speak for themselves. They have a plan which they usually work discretely. While others are busy talking about they want to do, they are usually busy DOING the things that need to be done.

They have a healthy sense of urgency - They don't put off for tomorrow what they can accomplish today and don't allow procrastination to rob them of opportunities.

They don't wait for opportunities to present themselves, they create them - You snooze, you lose is their mantra. They believe that some opportunities are hard to come by and don't always present themselves; they create opportunities where and when they see fit.

They are resilient - They don't give up in the face of adversity. They may stumble and even fall but they don't stay down for long. They know how to bounce back and don't waste time and energy wallowing in self-pity.

They are consistent - They work their plan diligently even when it seems wiser to quit because results aren't evident. They don't get bored by repetition or rote routines. They know that as long as they keep on sowing, they will eventually reap.

They eat, sleep and breathe their dreams - Their goals and dreams are ALWAYS at the forefront of their minds, even when they aren't actively pursuing or working on them, they constantly think about them and live their lives in alignment with them.

They never stop dreaming - No matter how much they accomplish, they never allow themselves to get too comfortable and content. They forever seek out ways to get to the next level and dream up new dreams.

They believe in the power of numbers - They have an accountability partner or belong to a mastermind group. They understand the importance of networking with like-minded people who support their dreams, keep them motivated and ensure that they follow through on whatever they commit to do.

They value self-development and improvement - They always evaluate themselves and seek out ways to better themselves and become the kind of person they need to be to sustain their goals and dreams.

They set realistic goals - They understand that they should only bite what they can chew and are content achieving one goal before moving on to the next.

They face their fears head on - They feel the fear and do it anyway. They don't allow fear to stand in the way of their pursuing their dreams no matter how real or big the fear is.

They see problems as challenges they can overcome - They are great at seeking solutions and eventually turning things around to work in their favor. If they can't solve the problem themselves, they seek out those who can.

They have laser-like focus - They don't allow themselves to get distracted by things that would likely jeopardize the fulfillment of their goals and dreams. They always keep their eyes on the prize.

These are characteristics we can all emulate in our pursuit to become people who make things happen.

from The Huffington Post | The Full Feed http://ift.tt/1CndWmZ



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